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The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set a new universal standard for development which aims to ensure that no one is left behind.

Latest News

  • The future is ours to see

    The future is ours to see


    The International Film Festival on Human Rights this human world (thw) will hold the Short Film Competition on Human Rights 2024 under the auspices of the United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Austria and the Chief Executive Office of the City of Vienna for European and International Affairs in cooperation with schools in Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Türkiye.

  • The Secretary-General: Message for World Environment Day

    The Secretary-General: Message for World Environment Day


    "The theme of this year’s World Environment Day is “land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience." — António Guterres

  • Next Ciné-ONU Vienna screening: Refuge
    © Refuge

    Next Ciné-ONU Vienna screening: Refuge


    To mark World Refugee Day, the United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna, in cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Austria, invites you to the Ciné-ONU Vienna screening of the documentary “Refuge” –  10 June 2024, 6:30 p.m., Top Kino.

  • The Secretary-General: Message for the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers

    The Secretary-General: Message for the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers


    "Today we pay tribute to the more than 76,000 United Nations peacekeepers who embody humanity's highest ideal: peace." — António Guterres

  • Rebels of Change making the world better for the future
    © Franz Hagmann/Südwind

    Rebels of Change making the world better for the future


    Creating a better future is impossible without the input of young people. This is why more than 100 students from different Austrians schools gathered at the Vienna International Centre  and devised their demands for a better future.


UNIS Vienna promotes the work of the United Nations family based in Vienna through the media, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and public outreach work.

UNIS serves as an information centre for Austria, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia, promoting the work of the United Nations as a whole by means of information programmes and actvities.

UNIS also offers guided tours and lectures through the Visitors Service.

Info for Media

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Media access to conferences and events at the UN in Vienna


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Resources to teach students about the work and goals of the United Nations


It was a full house at the United Nations in Vienna for the Long Night of Research.
Great to see so much interest in the work of United Nations organizations. Whether it was a science experiment or learning about nuclear disarmament or fighting crime, there was something to discover for young and old.

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Are you curious about what the United Nations is doing to make a better world?

The Visitors Service offers guided tours of the UN in Vienna Monday-Friday.

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Spread the word about countering misinformation

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More on the UN's response to the war in Ukraine

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45th anniversary of the Vienna International Centre (VIC)

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Learn more about the Sustainable Development Agenda

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Join our screenings of Ciné-ONU

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How the UN system is being reformed

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Learn more about the Sustainable Development Goals