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Two Russian soldiers raped a pregnant woman near Kyiv, causing micarriage; police identified them

Another two Russian soldiers of military unit 93992 (Chebarkul) of the 90th tank division who were involved in torture and rape of civilians in Kyiv Oblast during occupation according to Ukraine’s Police.
Two Russian soldiers raped a pregnant woman near Kyiv, causing micarriage; police identified them

Ukraine’s police identified two more Russian soldiers who tortured civilians and robbed the population during the occupation of Ukraine’s Kyiv Oblast in March 2022. In particular, one of them together with another yet unidentified Russian soldier raped a woman who was three months pregnant. She lost her child.

The woman gave testimonies that were verified by the police officers. She said three Russian soldiers forcibly took her to the house, saying they came to save Ukrainians. They asked where Ukrainian soldiers are. Since the woman didn’t know, two of them raped her, dragged her by her hair, and beat her. She lost her consciousness and had a miscarriage the next day.

I want them to be punished so that their wives feel what I felt then. I don’t know who gave birth to them, but certainly not a human,” the woman says, recalling her painful experience in a testimony recorded by police and subtitled by Euromaidan Press:

The horrible crime happened in a village of Brovary district of Kyiv Oblast, which police did not disclose precisely for privacy concerns. The police officers of the Department for the Protection of Public and State Interests and the investigators of the Main Investigative Department of the National Police have identified two of three Russian soldiers involved in the crime. They are servicemen of the 6th tank regiment of military unit 93992 (Chebarkul) of the 90th tank division of the Central Military District of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Investigators of the Main Investigative Department announced suspicions against two Russian servicemen – one rapist and the one who “was on guard” standing near the entrance to the building. They can be punished to 12 years in jail for violating the laws and customs of war under Part 2 of Art. 28 and part 1 of Art. 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The testimony given by the victim adds to the mounting evidence of Russian war crimes, including at least dozens of already verified and hundreds of reported cases of rape committed by Russian soldiers during the occupation of Ukrainian territories at the beginning of the war. The true scope of war crimes committed by Russian soldiers is yet to be revealed since many people are not reporting what happened to them and don’t want to testify about it publicly even anonymously.

“Three Russian soldiers raped my mother and sister. The fourth made me watch.” Hundreds of cases of rape by Russian soldiers in Ukraine

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