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Depression among women rising in Afghanistan: UN report



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Depression among women has increased in Afghanistan, the United Nations said in a report released Tuesday.

UN Women, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) conducted quarterly consultations reaching 592 Afghan women across 22 of 34 provinces in July.

Sixty-nine per cent of the women consulted reported that feelings of anxiety, isolation, and depression have significantly worsened between April-June, a higher level compared to date gathered from January-March 2023.

About 46% of the respondents said the UN should not recognize the IEA as the government of Afghanistan “under any circumstances.”

Half of the survey respondents said that any recognition of the IEA should hinge on tangible improvements in women’s rights, including their rights to education and work.

“They [survey responders] expressed concern that recognition would only encourage the de facto authorities to continue becoming stricter in their policies and practices against women and girls,” the report said.

Many countries have demanded that the IEA must change its policies on women, form an inclusive government, and respect human rights.

However, IEA officials contend that the Islamic Emirate is inclusive and respects human rights, albeit within the framework of Islamic Sharia law.

The UN survey has also revealed remarkable setbacks in women’s health, income and social influence under the IEA rule.

“Women consulted frequently describe their lives as that of prisoners living in darkness, confined to the home without hope of a future,” the report stated.

Most of the women surveyed, 80%, reported a drop in their ability to undertake income-generating activities.

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BRICS foreign ministers call for peaceful settlement in Afghanistan

Apart from that, the ministers “stressed the need to provide urgent and uninterrupted humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people and to safeguard the fundamental rights of all Afghans including women, girls and different ethnic groups.”



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The BRICS foreign ministers have called for an urgent peaceful settlement in Afghanistan in the interest of enhancing regional security, according to the joint statement passed at their meeting in Nizhny Novgorod.

“The Ministers emphasized the need for an urgent peaceful settlement in Afghanistan in order to strengthen regional security and stability.

BRICS stressed the need for urgent and uninterrupted humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people

“They advocated for Afghanistan as an independent, united and peaceful state free from terrorism, war and drugs,” the document reads. “They urged for more visible and verifiable measures in Afghanistan to ensure that the territory of Afghanistan is not used by terrorists.”

Apart from that, the ministers “stressed the need to provide urgent and uninterrupted humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people and to safeguard the fundamental rights of all Afghans including women, girls and different ethnic groups.”

The meeting on Monday was the first ministerial meeting following BRICS expansion in 2023 when Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE joined Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa as full-fledged BRICS members.



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IEA says countries’ call for inclusive government ‘unwarranted and futile’



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The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) said on Monday the call by different countries for them to form an inclusive government in Afghanistan is “unwarranted and futile,” reiterating that it is an internal matter.

In the latest instance, Pakistan and China issued a joint statement on Sunday, calling for the establishment of an inclusive government in Afghanistan and also on the Islamic Emirate to adopt moderate policies.

But the Islamic Emirate considers the current government to be inclusive and emphasizes that countries do not have a clear understanding of inclusiveness.

“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has repeatedly emphasized that the current government is inclusive and the issue of inclusion and non-inclusion is related to Afghanistan and Afghans,” IEA’s spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said.

“This is not the issue of foreign countries. Unfortunately, some countries repeat this issue. So far, their request has not been successful. Secondly, their request is unwarranted. This policy should be changed. Whatever is related to the people of Afghanistan should be left to the people of Afghanistan,” he said.

In addition to call for establishing an inclusive government, China and Pakistan called for concerted efforts of the international community to positively support Afghanistan in properly addressing challenges in such areas as humanitarianism and economic development, encourage the interim government of Afghanistan to build an inclusive political framework, adopt moderate policies, and pursue good-neighborliness.

They called on the international community to encourage the IEA to firmly combat terrorism, including not allowing its territory to be used for terrorist acts.

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EU announces 150 million euros in humanitarian aid for Afghans

The decision came during a meeting of senior representatives of the international community who met in Brussels on Monday to discuss Afghanistan’s food and health crisis



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The European Union announced Monday it will provide 150 million euros to help the people of Afghanistan.

The announcement comes as senior representatives of the international community gathered in Brussels on Monday to discuss Afghanistan’s food and health crisis.

EU said in a statement that this funding will support partners working inside Afghanistan (nearly 126 million euros), respond to the needs of Afghan refugees in Pakistan (over 11 million euros), and help humanitarian organisations in Iran (nearly 11 million euros), as well as strengthen disaster preparedness.

In Afghanistan, aid will focus on food assistance, shelter, healthcare and access to water and sanitation. Up to 14.5 million euros are earmarked for education.

“The people of Afghanistan are currently facing one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world,”  EU Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, said.

“Over 50% of the population need humanitarian aid, and over 85% of the population are in poverty. It is crucial that the world does not look away from this ongoing emergency.”

EU said that its humanitarian aid is solely channelled through its humanitarian partners working on the ground.




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