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Top 10 maps of your favourite fictional worlds

Spatial awareness is a key to human existence (especially if you’re a GeoGeek). Therefore whenever I read a novel, play a game or watch a movie that takes place in a fictional world I need to look at the map to mentally comprehend it. Below you’ll find Top 10 maps of the most important fictional worlds you’ve ever crossed.

Start a journey through the realms of imagination with our curated collection of the Top 10 maps of iconic fictional worlds. As GeoGeeks, we understand the importance of spatial awareness, even in imaginary landscapes. From the sprawling realms of Middle Earth to the far-flung galaxies of Star Wars, each map offers a glimpse into richly detailed universes that have captured the hearts and minds of readers, gamers, and movie enthusiasts alike. Let’s explore these fantastical realms and watch the intricate cartography that brings these fictional worlds to life.

Middle Earth Map

Top 10 maps - middle-earth-map-geoawesomeness

Star Wars Galaxy Map

Top 10 maps - Galaxy Map 2009 The Essential Atlas Star Wars

Game of Thrones Map – The Known World

Top 10 maps - Official World Map for George RR Martin's series A Song of Ice and Fire, from Westeros to Asshai, from the summer isles to the blasted waste of old valyria

Narnia Map

fictional worlds - narnia-map-geoawesomeness

Gotham City Map

Top 10 maps - gotham_city_map

Skyrim Map


Grand Theft Auto Map


World of Greyhawk Dungeons & Dragons


Jurrasic Park Map

fictional worlds - jurrasic-park-map

Oz map

fictional worlds - oz-map

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This map shows all the rivers of the Mississippi Watershed system


The Mississippi River is one of the world’s largest and most diverse river systems. It is also the third longest river in North America. Going further The Mississippi River watershed is the fourth largest in the world. It extends from the Allegheny Mountains in the east to the Rocky Mountains in the west. Measuring approximately 1.2 million square miles (3.2 million sq kms), the watershed covers all 31 states and 2 Canadian provinces.

Horace Mitchell at NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio created a beautiful map that will allow you to finally understand the scale and geographic scope of that phenomena. The visualization is based on the USGS database of this area that indicates the direction of waterflow at each point. By assembling these directions into streamflows, Horace traced the path of water from every point of the area to the mouth of the Mississippi in the Gulf of Mexico.


Really cool project.

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