
Future Grid Will Be Nuclear and Renewables, Says Lab Director Mark Peters

Off the Menu
Technology Leadership

Mark Peters, director of the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), speaks with Monica Trauzzi in the fifth episode of “Off the Menu.” At DBGB Kitchen and Bar, located in Washington, D.C.’s CityCenterDC neighborhood, Mark and Monica discuss energy technology in the United States and how that will affect the future electrical grid.

I like to say that the future energy system is going to be a lot of nuclear and a lot of renewables.

— Mark Peters, INL’s Director

Nuclear energy, renewables, energy storage. All of these technologies have an important role to play in what our electrical system looks like 20 years from now. Watch Mark and Monica talk about how the United States can maintain its technological leadership, what the grid looks like in years to come and the role of INL in U.S. cybersecurity.

“Off the Menu” features energy thought leaders at exciting spots in D.C.’s food scene and gives you an inside view of the energy issues of the moment.