France sees a surprising surge in obesity
The trend is worrying public-health officials

AS haute couture fashion week got under way in Paris on January 23rd, the city of light was treated to the ritual display of fabric draped over skinny frames. In France the slimline silhouette seduces consumers off the catwalk too, year round, on billboards and in advertising spots. This body ideal persists, despite the fact that even in France obesity is on the rise. Between 1997 and 2020 the share of obese French adults doubled, to 17%, or 8m people.
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This article appeared in the Europe section of the print edition under the headline “Body beautiful”
January 28th 2023- After a steady first 100 days, choppier waters await Giorgia Meloni
- What Western tanks should give Ukraine in the next round of the war
- The state of the Bundeswehr is more dismal than ever
- Spain’s economy is recovering from the pandemic, but problems persist
- France sees a surprising surge in obesity
- Experience from a past crisis suggests Europe should shake off any complacency

From the January 28th 2023 edition
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Turkey’s anti-democratic crackdown is damaging its economy
President Erdogan’s arrest of his chief rival has shaken investors’ confidence

President Erdogan jails his rival, and endangers Turkey’s democracy
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Europe needs to spend more on defence, not just pretend to
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