3 Youths, Inculding a Famous Tiktoker Allegedly Forcibly Disappeared From Kech

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Pakistani forces have allegedly detained three people from Kech district of Balochistan and shifted them to an undisclosed location.

According to reports, Pakistani forces allegedly carried out a military operation in Dazin area of Kech’s Tump tehsil on Tuesday morning and allegedly forcibly disappeared three Baloch youths, including a famous Tiktoker named Mubarak son of Deen Muhammad. The other two detainees have been identified as Ismail son of Dad Karim and Usman son of Asif.

Sources told TBP correspondents that Pakistani forces have allegedly severely tortured other people meanwhile some other individuals have also been reportedly detained during the operation. However, the identities of the other detainees are yet to be ascertained.


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