Saudi Arabia: Release Manahel al-Otaibi from Arbitrary Detention

Tell Saudi Arabia to free Manahel al-Otaibi and reform laws that suppress women’s rights and free speech. Sign now.

What to know:

  • Manahel al-Otaibi was sentenced to 11 years in prison because of her choice of clothing and support for women’s rights.
  • Saudi Arabia should follow UN recommendations and amend laws to protect women's rights and freedom of expression.
  • Help call for the release of an unjustly imprisoned women’s rights activist. Add your name to the petition.

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In many countries, women still face systematic discrimination that violates their human rights. Saudi Arabia is one example, where an oppressive male guardianship system harms women’s lives and rights activists face arrest.

Manahel al-Otaibi, a 30-year-old Saudi fitness instructor and women's rights activist, was arrested on November 16, 2022. Her "crime"? Tweeting with feminist hashtags and challenging the official dress code by posting videos without an abaya—freedoms she believed were ensured by reforms announced by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

On January 9, 2024, she was sentenced to 11 years in prison during a secret hearing at the Specialized Criminal Court, with charges solely for her choice of clothing and peacefully expressing feminist views online. Despite her nonviolent actions, she was convicted of “terrorist offences” under a strict Counter-Terrorism Law.

In prison, Manahel endures inhumane conditions and brutal attacks from guards and fellow inmates. Her case contradicts the authorities’ claims of women’s empowerment, especially amid a crackdown on free speech. While Saudi leaders welcome global celebrities and athletes, the reality is very different for Saudi women.

Sign the petition. Help ALQST to demand her immediate release and reform of laws to uphold women’s rights and free speech.