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How Much Radiation is Emitted by Popular Smartphones?



Infographic showing the Radiation emissions of popular smartphones

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Radiation Emissions of Popular Smartphones

Smartphones have become an integral part of our everyday lives. From work and school to daily tasks, these handheld devices have brought everything into the palm of our hands.

Most people spend 5-6 hours on their phones each day. And, given that our phones emit a tiny amount of radiation, we’re exposing ourselves to radiation for hours each day.

But different phones emit different amounts of radiation.

With the help of data collected by the German Federal Office of Radiation Protection, we visualize the radiation emissions of some popular smartphones in the market today.

Radiation and SAR Values of Smartphones

Smartphones and other mobile devices emit tiny amounts of radiofrequency (RF) radiation. Humans can absorb this radiation when the smartphone is being used or is lying dormant anywhere near their bodies.

The parameter used to measure phone radiation emissions is the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). It is the unit of measurement that represents the quantity of electromagnetic energy absorbed by the body when using a mobile device.

The Council of the European Union has set radiation standards for cell phones at 2 watts per kilogram, measured over the 10 grams of tissue that is absorbing the most signal.

SAR values are calculated at the ear (speaking on the phone) and at the body (kept in your pocket). For the purposes of this article, we’ve used the former calculations.

Smartphones With the Highest Levels of Radiation Emissions

The Motorola Edge has the highest radiation emission with a SAR value of 1.79 watts of radiation per kilogram. That’s significantly higher than most other smartphone models in the market today and close to the limits set by the EU for cellphones.

Coming in second is the Axon 11 5G by ZTE with 1.59, followed by the OnePlus 6T at a close third with 1.55 W/kg. The Sony Experia AX2 Plus with 1.41 and the Google Pixel 3 XL and 3A XL at 1.39 round out the top five.

Here is a look at the 10 smartphones that emit the highest level of radiation:

Smartphones with the lowest level of radiation

Now that we have detailed the worst offenders let’s look at the smartphones with the lowest levels of radiation emissions.

Smartphones With the Lowest Levels of Radiation Emissions

The smartphone with the lowest SAR value is the ZTE Blade V10, with 0.13 watts of radiation per kilogram.

Mobile devices by Samsung carry some of the least radiation risks. The company has four phones considered to be the best in the category. The Galaxy Note 10+ is the best model in their line-up, emitting a meager 0.19 watts per kilogram.

Here is a look at the 10 smartphones that emit the lowest levels of radiation:

Smartphones with the highest level of radiation

There is currently no significant research proving the harmful effects of phone radiation.

Despite this, people who are in contact with their devices for extended periods can at least quantify their radiation exposure and make choices about which brands serve their needs.

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Visualizing the Top Countries, by Mobile Data Usage

Today, mobile data usage is rising rapidly around the world. Here are the top 10 countries with the highest mobile data consumption overall.



This bar chart shows the countries that use the most mobile data globally.

Visualizing the Top Countries, by Mobile Data Usage

This was originally posted on our Voronoi app. Download the app for free on iOS or Android and discover incredible data-driven charts from a variety of trusted sources.

Global mobile data traffic per smartphone is forecast to hit 42 gigabytes per month by 2027—a staggering 16-fold increase compared to 2017.

This surge coincides with a rising number of internet users worldwide, in particular among middle-income countries. Notably, between 2018 and 2022, India saw a 170% increase in internet users alone.

The above graphic shows the countries with the highest mobile data usage around the world, based on data from the World Bank’s Digital Progress and Trends Report.

Which Countries Use the Most Mobile Data?

Here are the top 10 countries worldwide based on their monthly mobile data consumption:

RankCountryMonthly Mobile Data Usage per Capita
(Gigabytes, GB)
1🇨🇼 Curaçao131.3
2🇰🇼 Kuwait83.9
3🇸🇷 Suriname72.7
4🇫🇮 Finland59.1
5🇱🇻 Latvia52.7
6🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia44.2
7🇪🇪 Estonia42.4
8🇧🇭 Bahrain41.6
9🇦🇹 Austria35.1
10🇱🇹 Lithuania32.1

Data as of 2022.

The island nation of Curaçao ranks first overall, with 131.3 gigabytes of monthly mobile data usage per capita.

With a population of just 193,000, Curaçao surpasses all other nations likely due to a combination of factors. This includes an influx of over one million tourist arrivals in 2022, competitive mobile data plans, and a low penetration of fixed-line telecommunication systems and broadband internet.

For instance, in 2021, just 28 out of 100 people used fixed-line networks, while 88 out of 100 people used cellular-mobile services. Furthermore, the country boasts among the fastest and most reliable internet connections in the Caribbean thanks to its concentration of data centers and fiber optic cable infrastructure.

Following in second place is oil-rich Kuwait. In recent years, the country’s telecom industry has significantly improved, with 5G networks reaching roughly 97% of the population. Furthermore, the Kuwait government invested heavily in mobile platforms that allow people to settle traffic fines or schedule court dates via mobile apps.

Like Kuwait, Middle Eastern nations of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain rank highly on this list.

Top European Countries

As a country known for its advanced telecommunications infrastructure, Finland leads Europe in mobile data usage.

In fact, the country launched the first 6G test network worldwide. Given its role as a leader in communications networks and digital technologies, many companies use Finland to test new products and services before launching globally.

Joining Finland from Europe in this list are Latvia, Estonia, Austria, and Lithuania.

By contrast, the U.S. ranks in #34 overall in monthly mobile data consumption, at 13.4 gigabytes per capita. Part of the reason behind low usage may be that the cost of mobile data in America is among the highest in the world. For perspective, the average cost of one gigabyte of data in America was $6.00 in 2023, a steep jump from $0.20 in France or $3.48 in Japan.

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