ISIS claims 2 attacks on SDF in Syria’s Manbij

MANBIJ, Syria (North Press) – The Islamic State (ISIS) claimed responsibility on Monday for two attacks against the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the city of Manbij, northwestern Syria.

ISIS occasionally targets SDF members, military patrols, civilian employees working with the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), as well as social and tribal figures in northern and eastern Syria.

ISIS-linked Amaq news agency stated that ISIS militants targeted with pistols a judge working with the SDF near the al-Shamsiyah roundabout in the city of Manbij.

They added that the attack resulted in the injury of the judge.

In another statement, ISIS announced that its militants targeted an SDF fighter with machine guns in the village of Khashfa Umm Adasa in the south of Manbij, resulting in his injury.

By Omar Abdurrahman