Khuzdar: Man Kills Pregnant Wife Over Mobile Phone Usage

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A man in Balochistan’s Khuzdar district reportedly murdered his pregnant wife after discovering that she had used a mobile phone without his consent. The accused, identified as Rahmat Ullah, reportedly confessed to the crime during a hearing before a judicial magistrate.

The incident unfolded in Zehri, a tehsil within Khuzdar district. Rahmat Ullah reportedly strangled his wife, who was three months pregnant at the time. Authorities initially received reports of the woman’s death due to electrocution in Zehri’s Norgama area. However, subsequent investigations revealed that her demise was intentional rather than accidental.

The Levies forces swiftly apprehended the suspect. During his confession, Rahmat Ullah said that he had suspected that her wife was having an affair with another man on the mobile phone. The couple had been married for three years.

The victim’s father filed multiple charges against Rahmat Ullah, who now faces prosecution for his actions.

This incident marks the second such case reported in Khuzdar district. Previously, another man allegedly killed his daughter in Khuzdar’s Giresha region after one of her photos was circulated on social media. A young man was also killed in this incident, but it is unclear how he related to this particular situation.

The Levies administration has categorized both incidents as honor killings. Incidents of honor killings are continuously reported in Balochsitan. According to the Aurat Foundation, a non-profit organization advocating for women’s empowerment, there were at least 324 incidents of violence against women and 179 honor killings reported in Balochistan between 2019 and 2023. These figures likely underestimate the true extent of the problem, as many cases go unreported, concealed as private family matters.

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